This is your brain on video games |
However, positive mental stimulation and development from playing video games isn't just being limited to younger gamers anymore. Now, developers of also using video games as a platform to help relieve the declining mental state of old age. These "brain training" games provide older gamers with a way to stay sharp, by implementing tasks in the game that help to improve memory and attention span skills, which then can be applied to their real world lives (BBC News).
Personally, I agree with the recent studies, which state that video games can have a positive effect on our brains. As a gamer myself, I believe that even when I am engaging in action or first person shooter games I am still using a certain level of mental cognition to even comprehend what tasks to complete. In this sense, I think that even video games that carry a controversial label, like Grand Theft Auto V, can still provide the player the ability to improve their mental abilities. As games continue to become more complex, in terms of graphical presentation and content, the more gamers will find themselves mentally challenged, which will help to develop better brains through games.
TED Talk: Your Brain on Video Games (Video)
Douglas Mental Health University Institute. (2015, May 19). New light on impact of video gaming on the brain. Science Daily. Retrieved December 1, 2015.
Horizon: How video games can change your brain. (2015, September 16). BBC News. Retrieved December 1, 2015.
Douglas Mental Health University Institute. (2015, May 19). New light on impact of video gaming on the brain. Science Daily. Retrieved December 1, 2015.
Horizon: How video games can change your brain. (2015, September 16). BBC News. Retrieved December 1, 2015.